The bright side of the latest piece of crap by Nora Ephron (You've Got Mail, Hanging Up) is that a funny Meryl Streep performance is intercut throughout it. There really isn't much reason to watch this other than to see Streep, unless maybe if you're into cooking or if you are looking to punish yourself with watching the demonically annoying "Julie" part of the story. Probably the less said about the movie the better.
In this wintry state of potential Best Actress nominees I think Streep is guaranteed a nomination at the next Dolphins. She is good in this and fun to watch but it's definitely not Sister Aloysius-level so I don't anticipate her claiming a Dolphin the second year in a row. Still, she got me to watch the whole movie and, well, if she doesn't deserve a nomination for that then I don't know what she would deserve one for.
Colleen's Thoughts:
This was not a good movie. There isn't much more to say; Drew said what needed to be said. I will say that I thought the Julia Child's part was actually quite fascinating. Streep was good of course. They should have just made a biopic of Julia Child. The movie did inspire me to try and make something new, I made chocolate cream pie and it turned out quite well. I also loved seeing Paris, so Julia in Paris was fun for me to watch.
I think we can all agree that if Drew doesn't like Amy Adams in a movie than it must be a bad performance and it was, although she didn't have much to work with. Her character was a total brat. She acted like her life was a living hell because she worked for the government and had to live in Queens of all places. BooHoo I have to live in urban New york! A good smack in the head and change of perspective probably would have done her a lot better than cooking 524 (or so) recipes in 365 days.
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