(500) days of shit... hoo! I'm throwing rocks tonight.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt continues to chip away at the goodwill he earned for his work in Angels in the Outfield as he plays the lamewad who falls in love at first sight with Zooey Deschanel who plays Summer (har har, get it??) the Belle & Sebastian-quoting indie dream girl who has cute quirks like loving Ringo Starr only because no one else loves him. To be honest, the movie sort of seems written to just make Zooey Deschanel feel good about herself because the narrator is very fond of saying how every male past age twelve is hopelessly and uncontrollably attracted to her.
Anyway, then Summer likes him because he listens to The Smiths and likes Knight Rider or something and then they hang out in IKEA which turns her on, then they have sex, then Joseph Gordon-Levitt does a big dance number set to Hall & Oates' "You Make My Dreams" to celebrate the achievement. Then they hang out some more, watching porn, yelling "penis" really loudly in parks for amusement and looking at buildings because JGL would rather be an architect than write greeting cards. Then they break up and JGL is sad.
So yeah this is so sickeningly "indie" that I couldn't even finish it (the soundtrack certainly doesn't help either.) I don't know if they get back together in the end and I definitely don't care.
W.O.T. (...waste 'o time)
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