Monday, January 11, 2010

The Cove

Drew's Thoughts:
Though I saw this was winning Best Doc awards left and right I was a tad skeptical that a movie about animal rights activists would tickle my fancy. Even if the animals in question were dolphins. I definitely shouldn't have judged this book by it's cover. The film follows a small Ocean's 11style team of specialist who gather various types of recordings and evidence of massive, daily dolphin slaughters in northern Japan.
Last year everyone raved about Man on Wire and how impeccably made it was and it really wasn't. The Cove however is. It covers its subject from multiple, equally interesting angles. It's sometimes touching and often appalling. And damn, it is one of the tensest films I've seen this year. I'd say only Antichrist and The Hurt Locker are ahead of it in pure cinematic intensity and exhilaration.
Absolutely one of the best documentaries of year. Must see material.

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