This film, directed by Paul Greengrass (The Bourne Ultimatum) and starring last year's Dolphin-nominee Matt Damon, turned out to be a fair amount better than I expected it to be. It's better/less ridiculous than the Bourne movies and it doesn't cut to a new shot every second which was a pleasant surprise. Even though Brian Helgeland's script (which I gather is a mostly fictional story "inspired by" a book on Iraq) has its share of cliches and heavy-handed preaching, the story is paced quickly enough to get the job done. Matt Damon delivers a good if unadorned performance as a soldier on the WMD search squad who sets out to figure out why he's being continually given faulty intel (SPOILER: there are no weapons.) However, the supporting players Amy Ryan, a journalist, and Brendan Gleeson, a CIA man, aren't given much to work with though. Greg Kinnear plays a decent slimewad though.
Shot by Barry Ackroyd (The Hurt Locker,) Green Zone is the well-made, entertaining Iraq war thriller Body of Lies failed so miserably at being. Probably not much Dolphin potential beyond the tech categories though.
Also what the hell kind of accent is Brendon Gleeson supposed to have in this film??
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