After being mildly disappointed but entertained by the second Toy Story, I went into Toy Story 3 with low expectations. I wasn’t sure how I would feel about having one of my favorite toys (Barbie) front and center. After bragging to Drew and Ellen that I had the Barbie Jeep and Corvette, as well as, a 4 STORY Barbie mansion with an elevator, I felt ready to see the film. I was pleasantly surprised. But I must make a brief note that it does not even compare to the first Toy Story. How dare IMDB and People magazine say that this movie is better than the original. Shame on you people. Have you no memory? Do you not remember the brilliant craftsmanship that is the original Toy Story? That said there were certainly extremely memorable moments of this film. I thought the part with the toys betting on the farm sounds toy was so clever and hilarious. I also loved it when the toys called Ken an accessory toy; “a purse with legs.” Also, the introduction using the same exact lines from the Toy Story original opening was huge for winning me over. The Spanish Buzz was clever as well. The movie could have used some editing, too many climaxes where the toys narrowly escape death. The Andy leaving for college stuff was also a little cliché and overdone. The Pink Bear character was kind of a weak villain. And didn’t they use the whole abandoned toy thing in the last movie? All and all (minus about 15 minutes) this was a relatively enjoyable film. Toy Story 3 is certainly worth seeing but not a must see.
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