Rounding out the trio of surprises this year (Easy A and The Social Network being the others) is The Trotsky a brilliantly witty and hilarious comedy about a Montreal teen who believes he's the re-incarnation of Bolshevik revolutionary Leon Trotsky. Supported by a more than capable cast,
Jay Baruchel (Tropic Thunder) delivers a fantastic central performance as he holds protests with snacking hunger strikers and throws a social justice-themed school dance. The film makes me really wish there were more high-concept comedies out there, as you have to know a bit of 20th century history to get the (hilarious) jokes. Luckily we Dolphins are a well-educated bunch.
As far as I'm concerned Jacob Tierney's joyously clever original screenplay is the front runner by a mile at this point in the race. Though you should consider the film in many other categories, not least of which Best Picture. A must see!
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