Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Colleen's Predictions for the 2009 Annual Drew Nominations

I am not sure how close or how far off I will be but for what they are worth and for Drew's entertainment, here come the predictions:

Best Picture:
In the Loop
White Ribbon
Bright Star
A Serious Man

Best Director:

Spike Jones--Where the Wild Things Are
Joel and Etan Coen--A Serious Man
Duncan Jones--Moon
Kathryn Bigelow--The Hurt Lo
Either Jane Campion for Bright Star or Armando Ianunnci for In the Loop
(not too confident about these predictions. I could be wrong about the Coens' nomination)

Best Actor in a Male Leading Role:

Jeff Bridges--Crazy Heart
Tom Hardy--Bronson
Sam Rockwell--Moon
Michael Stuhlbarg--A Serious Man
Matt Damon--The Informant!

Best Actor in a Female Leading Role:

Abigail Cornish--Bright Star
Meryl Streep--Julie and Julia
Andrea Arnold--Fishtank
Penelope Cruz--Broken Embraces
Sandra Bullock--The Blind Side (Just kidding! I am curious to see who takes the fifth spot for Drew. I think it could be Gabrielle Sidibe for Precious but it could also be someone in a movie I didn't see, or it could be a surprise like Maggie Gyllenhall (although she may be supporting) or Audrey Tautou. I will have to wait until 8 to see.

Best Cinematography:

Bright Star
Where the Wild Things are
The White Ribbon
A Serious Man
I'm not sure what will take the fifth spot here either. Perhaps, A Single Man, Moon, The Informant! Bronson or something I am not thinking of.

These predictions may be a little optimistic. However,regardless, it should be an exciting night tonight. I look forward to seeing how accurate I am and what surprises Drew has in store this year.

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