Colleen's Thoughts:
While certainly not a flawless film, I thoroughly enjoyed this love story. I think it is important to tell stories not only focused on huge members of the social justice movement for gay rights such as MILK, but also stories such as A Single Man. A Single Man is a story of two human beings who were madly in love and who happened to both be male. Colin firth’s character George grieves just as many people would over the lost of a loved one. For me, the flashbacks were the strong point of this movie. Colin Firth and Matthew Goode had great chemistry. The scene with the couple sitting on the couch was for me especially memorable, probably because Drew and I often share the couch and I could see us having a similar conversation. Although the aesthetics of film is not something I am hugely educated about, I did enjoy some of the experimental and stylistic directions the film moved in. At times the close ups were jarring and perhaps did not flow seamlessly within the film, but they definitely made you view the film in a different way. (Wong Kar Wai seemed to be an obvious influence). I also liked the way the scene at the beach between Matthew Goode and Colin Firth was shot. The sounds for me made me feel like you had your ear up to a beach shell. A Single Man is a lovely love story.
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