Thursday, February 11, 2010

Predictions for the Joes

Drew's Predictions:

Best Picture
The Hurt Locker
In the Loop
A Serious Man
Where the Wild Things are

I'm very confident about the last three, pretty confident about the H-Lock, and no. 5 is wide open so I'm going with a wishful thinking pick (cause dammit it deserves it!!). It seems like maybe The Informant!, Fantastic Mr. Fox, or Mary and Max could get in possibly but I really don't know. Last year Joe nominated The Dark Knight which he had previously incinerated with flames of hate until he announced the nominations. That leads me to wonder, should I predict a movie Joe said he hated?

Best Director
Wes Anderson, Fantastic Mr. Fox
Kathryn Bigelow, The Hurt Locker
Ethan Coen and Joel Coen, A Serious Man
Duncan Jones, Moon
Spike Jonze, Where the Wild Things are

Again, I'm confident about the last 4 making an appearance here. I figure Joe may want to surprise us so I'm going with Anderson but maybe it could be Soderbergh?

Best Actor
Jeff Bridges, Crazy Heart
Jeremy Renner, The Hurt Locker
Matt Damon, The Informant!
Sam Rockwell, Moon
Michael Stuhlbarg, A Serious Man

Again, pretty solid on the last 4. I have no idea about the last one so I'm throwing Bridges up there blindly cause I don't even know if Joe has even seen Crazy Heart!

Best Actress
Abbie Cornish, Bright Star
Penelope Cruz, Broken Embraces
Katie Jarvis, Fish Tank
Charlotte Gainsbourg, Antichrist
Meryl Streep, Julie & Julia

I know Joe is a big Streep fan so she's definitely in. The Best Actress field was really weak, so without a strong list of contenders this category could go in some weird directions. I'm keeping pretty close to my list just cause that's what I think are best and maybe Joe will too?

Don't have time for the other categories but Joe is gonna show he supports our troops by nominating Woody Harrelson and Anthony Mackie.

Looking forward to the nominations!!

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